

Old Letters

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Thurs. May. 11, 2006 - 6:41 P.M.

1) Buying expensive Bourbon because it's the first time you've seen it since you moved to the West Coast - reminding you that there are a few things that you miss about Texas.

2) On a work break, sitting shotgun in your co-worker's Saab listening to some terrible band sound even worse through an arsenal of trunk-rattling bass, blowing pot smoke out of your face while your stoned compatriot gets really serious about the dangers of the bird flu. His mom works for the Washington State Department of Health and has a stock pile of food and gas masks. He told me, between hits, that I was welcome to hide out in his house when the pandemic strikes.

3) Coming home at five in the evening and opening up the windows and door and laying on the couch listening to all of the birds outside, trying to determine how many different species there are out there.

4) Fixing my bed and sitting on it cross-legged, reading through various periodicals I've fanned out.

5) Hearing the lock clatter and pop while a key-owning guest comes through the door. Trying not to jump out of my skin from excitement when I hear that little "hello?" and soft footsteps on the kitchen linoleum.

6) Living close enough to the ocean that gulls fly near my house every morning and late afternoon (see also: #3).

7) The fire truck sirens.

8) The train horns.

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