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Thurs. Aug. 03, 2006 - 8:45 in the A.M.

I always imagined that in time like these, when people have limited mobility and plenty of time to themselves to think, that one could come to any number of conclusions that would be relevant to the masses or would be compelled to hammer out the great American novel. For me, being for the most part confined to my couple of hundred square feet, I've found my days crammed with the quest to find a comfortable bed position or wishing I could afford cable. Perhaps the closer I come to being back in ship shape the closer I come to having wasted weeks that for someone else could have been wildly productive. For me, I just can't wait to go out to dinner, wash my dishes, drive myself to the grocery store, walk to the newsstand to pick up the paper: little ridiculous things that now seem like real life.

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p.s. Those conclusions omitted are my own.